GRANXIA Beppu Kannawa

Onsen Dyeing【Onsen Activities】

Enjoy Oita’s 【Onsen (hot spring) dyeing】 experience
You can try easy dyeing experience by dipping a tenugui (hand towel) dyed with persimmon tannin in hot spring water, where the color will change due to the reaction with the hot spring water.
You can use marbles and rubber bands to create your own original patterns on the tenugui, which you can then take home with you.
This is an activity unique to Onsen Prefecture that takes advantage of the abundance of hot springs that spring up here.
Since the degree of dyeing varies with each hot spring, this is a unique experience that you can only try at GRANXIA Beppu Kannawa.

1 kit @ 1,650 yen (tax included)
After check-in
Please ask at the front desk.
There is no need to worry about getting hands dirty, so even small children can enjoy it.

*Image is for illustration purposes. list